Last week, we asked you to guess the answers to Salman questions about percentages. Five lucky winners get to be on the show. Here are Sallu’s answers to the rapid-fire questions.
1 How many percent of people think you are a good guy?
A. 99.9%
B. 099.%
C. 100%
D. 75%
E. 50%
2 How many percent of people think you and Priyanka Chopra make a good screen pair?
A. 13%
B. 0.1%
C. 0.2%
D. 0.5%
E. Nobody
3 How many percent of people think you are moody?
A. Only Vivek Oberoi thinks that
B. All my ex-girlfriends
C. All the people I work with,
D. Just me, I guess. Oh yes, and the press! How much per cent is that, huh?
E. All my friends but that doesn’t matter but they still love me, so it doesn’t matter.
4 How many percent of people think you will never forgive Vivek Oberoi?
A. Who’s that?
B. Lets not talk about insignificant people
C. Never.
D. Not in this lifetime
E. I don’t know about that, but personally I will never!
5. How many percent of people believe that you and Akshay are friends?
A. I don’t know the percent! But Akshay and I are friends. I mean we are acquaintances we did two movies together.
B. Why should people believe otherwise? We are friends. We have worked together in three films.
C. I don’t know what people think, but Akshay Kumar is a friend, and a co-actor.
D. 60 % because we have worked together and people like us on screen.
E. I would like to meet these people who think we are friends.
6. How many percent of people believe that you will invite Abhishek on the show as guest?
A. It’s upto Sony who they want to call. I am not inviting anyone form the industry.
B. I would like to call Shah Rkh Khan first because I have been on his show.
C. Abhishek..hmmm..that’s a good idea. I will think about it!
D. What’s the problem? Of course I will invite him. He is very cool dude and very chilled out guy. I love Abhishek! He is super guy.
E. I will call him and his papa as well. It will increase the TRPs of my show at least.
As told to Sonal Chawla
And the winners are...
>>Priyanka Chhadva
>>Neeraj Agrawal
>>Srinivas Shetty
>>Sheetal Gurav
>>Dr Nadia Mohammad Sheikh
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