"You've got to think from the top of your head. Contestants throw at you questions which you need to answer in a tactful manner," says Salman. About his experiences, the actor says that the best part about his gameshow – Dus Ka Dum – is that even though people miss out on winning big money sometimes, they are always smiling. "You'll see not a frown on their foreheads, even though a few more thousands would make a big difference to their world," says Sallu.
The Khan seems to be answering personal questions posed by the contestants in an easy manner compared to when media poses the same questions to him. He says, "I have a connect with my fans. They seem to know and understand me better than the media. The media tried to pose me as a 'bad boy'. The bad boy image seems to have been tarnished thanks to this game show. The people now know what I really am, in fact, I'd say that my fans knew what I was all along. For them, I'm just one of them. I'm not this superstar actor. I'm as normal as they are."
About the impressive TRP ratings his show has garnered, the actor doesn't bask in the glory. "It's a great concept that worked. People are telling me that I've overtaken Mr. Bachchan and Shah Rukh, actors who also hosted gameshows. But I'm not in the numbers game. I never was! That's because ranks keep fluctuating. I'd rather just do what I want to do, and if it works, I'm happy."
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