His response was characteristic, if some what pained, and seemed to corroborate our own take on Mumbai tabloids.
For the record, this is the second time a leading Bollywood star has referred to journalists as dogs. Akshay Kumar did as much earlier, responding to allegation of an affair with his trainer, speaking from location in Los Angeles where he is filming for Kambakth Ishq.
Here is what Salman says:
"For the next few days you will hear and read a lot of shit about me, a lot of it. Keep on reading it…but don't react to it. I don't. Like sometimes when you are traveling in a fast car and you find a dog chasing your car…barking away. You don't stop the car and start reacting to the dog…u don't…there's no point. I don't wish to react. I don't have the time for it. Besides, I don't understand the language of dogs, except for my two - Myson and Myjaan.
Unfortunately in our industry the developing trend is not to celebrate others success…every time another person is successful there will be someone trying to pull him down. You don't increase your own efforts to become successful but try to always decrease someone else's success…that's the mantra of the industry. A man is good they say but they say it in the past tense. A lot of people out there talk highly but only once a person's gone…Dead! These people whoever they are - are just doing their job - only what they know to do best.
I chose to remain silent. I do not have the time to spend reacting. But even silence speaks. Silence makes more noise than thunder. …'Bandar Sher ko chidhata hai….' Sirf aawaaz kar sakta hai... Kabhi Sher ko maar sakta hai? He can't do anything. But when the Lion roars, a whole pack of monkeys fall from trees!
So keep on reading…read all the negatives…read till they get tired of writing. Everyone goes through this…but not for long. I say just look good feel good and do good, that's it. I love you all."
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