B.O. update: Unprecedented, unparalleled, unheard of start for 'SIK'

    The much-awaited SINGH IS KINNG has arrived like a thunderstorm. The craze for the film was evident last night, when paid previews across the nation were performed and the response was electrifying. Friday morning too opened to an overwhelming response. The morning and noon show collections everywhere, in Punjab, Rajasthan, C.P. Berar, Delhi-U.P., Nizam, Bengal, everywhere has been terrific. The distributors of all these circuits personally spoke to this writer and each of them was ecstatic, jumping with joy.

    SINGH IS KINNG has had the widest release ever for a Hindi film. It has opened at 1700 screens worldwide [as per Studio 18], 1400 in India and 300 in Overseas. The opening weekend, as things stand now, should be in the range of Rs. 23cr. to Rs. 25 cr. nett in India and the first week should close at Rs. 42 cr. to Rs. 45 cr. nett in India. All signs of a Blockbuster!

    Meanwhile, the film had a stupendous start in U.K. last night, when paid previews were held. The film collected close to £ 60,000 on Thursday night. Fabulous!
    Source URL: https://trendgrafitiinternasional.blogspot.com/2008/08/bo-update-unprecedented-unparalleled.html
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